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“Surgeons and Hospitals choose Hyperclean. Disposable Surgical Products with a Heartbeat.”


Our ultimate objective is to minimize the RISK & to create SAVING for all patients, doctors & nurses.

We supply Premium Quality Surgical Disposable Products such as Surgical Gowns, Surgical Drapes and Procedure Packs. We distribute Faith APP and Faith Guard (Popular Singapore Brands) and we are the exclusive distributor for hopes international®  which is a Japanese Products.

We are just a phone call away to assist you. Please call again if our lines are busy. (65) 6894 8892!

Contact Us

  • 27 Woodlands Industrial Park E1, Hiangkie Industrial Building #03-01, Singapore 757718
  • Off : (65) 6894 8892
  • Fax :(65) 6894 8891